
Open book on the table depicting knowledge
Open book on the table depicting knowledge
Skin Type Skin Type
The most widely used scale to indicate skin type is the Fitzpatrick Scale, named after Thomas B. Fitzpatrick who defined it in 1975. A person's skin type indicates how sensitive...
Self Protection Time of the Skin Self Protection Time of the Skin
The skin's self-protection time is the time that unprotected skin can be exposed to the sun before it burns. It is individual for each person and depends on the UV...
When to Apply Sunscreen When to Apply Sunscreen
The question of when and how often you should apply sunscreen is not easy to answer. You need to know and consider these aspects: The expected UV dose: Which sunscreen...
Sun Protection and Kids Sun Protection and Kids
Children's skin needs the most protection. In the period up to the age of 18, the probability of permanently damaging your skin is highest. The consequences – skin cancer –...
Sun Protection Sun Protection
Proper sun protection is the healthy middle ground between too much and too little exposure to the sun. Sunscreen, clothing, sunglasses, and shades can help. On this page you will...
Types of Sunscreen Types of Sunscreen
The shelves in supermarkets and pharmacies are full of different types of sunscreen. Which one is the right one? How are they different? What do you have to pay attention...
Sunscreen Sunscreen
Sunscreen is an important part of good sun protection. In addition to other measures, such as wearing sunglasses or avoiding direct sun around midday, sunscreen helps in situations in which...
Preventing Sunburn Preventing Sunburn
This question keeps coming back to us. And it is also close. The answer is simple: No, sun-a-wear cannot prevent sunburn. You can prevent sunburns. The reason for this answer...
Sun Protection Factor (SPF) Sun Protection Factor (SPF)
A so-called sun protection factor (SPF) is written on every sunscreen. But what does it mean? The sun protection factor indicates how much longer you can theoretically stay in the...